Monday, April 28, 2008

Sick Again!

Well, it has been a rough few days here. We think Rebekah has a sinus infection that has now also turned into ear infections in both ears. I am going to call the Dr. first thing in the morning. Let me back up a bit and tell you about the last few days.

Thursday our yearbook staff had a bake sale at The Taste of Toccoa, a local festival, to raise money. They did very well, and raised about $200. We incorporated the 50's theme of our yearbook into our booth. It was very cute. The girls each wore their hair in pony tales with red ribbon, black pants or skirts, and white shirts. A couple of our girls even had poodle skirts. Very fun! On Friday the girls had a slumber party for Awana. It is an annual event for the Awana girls that every one looks forward too. This was Rebekah's first year that she could go. Both of the girls had a wonderful time. However, when they got home they were wiped out. Rebekah complained of a headache so I gave her some Tylenol and sent her to take a nap. I figured it was just fatigue from not enough sleep. She complained off and on all though Saturday. This morning (Sunday) she woke up still hurting. After asking her a few questions I figures it was probably her sinuses. Poor thing! We called the after hours people at my Dr's office and have been doing everything we can to help ease the pain however, by mid to late afternoon she was complaining of an earache as well.

OOPS!!!!!! I thought I published this post on April 28th. Sorry!!! I will publish it now and also write a new update.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Elizabeth volunteers at the vet's office

Hello everybody! I had a great time at the vet's office last Tuesday. I got to watch two surgeries!!!!! The first surgery was on a cute little black dog who had two bumps removed. The doctor cut them off with a knife and sowed him up with a special curved needle. Then he cut the bumps open to see what they were, they were large cysts. Then we took him to his cage and the nurse kept rubbing him to keep him warm and checking his tongue to see if it was pink (if the tongue is white it's serious.) When the dog woke up he was really loopy. He kept on shaking and moving his head around like he was a robot.

The next surgery was the best. I got to see a dog spade! First, the nurse let me carry her to a table and I held her still as the doctor put her to sleep. When she was asleep the nurse laid her upside down and shaved the hair off her belly to prevent infection. Then, the nurse took her to the surgery room while I rolled in the equipment. I watched the doctor take out the ovaries and the uterus . During surgery the nurse said the dogs heart rate dropped down to 82! The doctor started blowing into a tube that was down the dogs throat every once in awhile and the dog was all right! The nurse took her to her cage and she woke up immediately. All she did was bark and whimper. The doctor told me she wasn't in pain she just didn't know what she was doing yet. The dog tried to stand up and almost fell out of the cage before it was closed! I had an awesome time and can't wait till tomorrow!!! Love you all!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Good week...

Hello Everyone,
It has been a pretty good week here. Just an update... Rachel is doing really well. Her Dr. appt on Monday went good. The Dr. said her ear still didn't look 100% but that is looked better than it had been. I was told to just continue with the meds and come back for a check in two weeks, which should be April 25th. Boy am I glad that she is off the steroid! Her disposition went way south on that stuff. Now we just have the antibiotic so she is MUCH better.

Rebekah is suppose to go to the allergist on Thursday. I am a little nervous about going. I really don't like traveling where I am not familiar, and this place is all the way in Gainsville. I am use to my nice little city. I guess I will just have to bite the bullet as Mike would say.

Elizabeth has had several exciting days this past week. On Friday she did The Great American Cleanup with her 4-H group. She had a really great time picking up trash along the side of the road. Her friend Jarin was there so it was nice that she had someone she knew to pal around with. Also, today was a VERY big deal for her. After we did the UGA Vet day she really expressed an interest in Veterinary medicine. I called my vet up to see if he would let her volunteer at his office once a week and he said yes! Today was her first day! She will start going every Tuesday from 7:30am to 9:30am. Today she saw to surgeries which was very exciting to hear to tell about. As a matter of fact I will not say anymore about it. Instead I will have her blog to you about it. It is better first hand anyway.

Well, that is all for now. I will try to get a few more pictures up in the next few days as time allows.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Rebekah's UGA Experience

Dear Everybody,
I had a very good time at UGA. It was sooooo much fun. First there was a dog show. We watched about half of it. Maybe a little less, well I don't really know. Anyway, then we got in line for a tour of the animal hospital. It was a loooooong line. When we made it to the front of the line we saw a horse preparing to have surgery. It was sooooooo cool.Then we saw a dog having surgery. It was sooooooooooo DISGUSTING. Then I asked Mom if we could do teddy bear surgery, but she said not yet.
Then we went to see a bunch of animals. There were three baby pigs, camels, and even a ZEBRA. I asked again if we could do teddy bear surgery and Mom said yes! WOOHOO!!!! When we got there, of course there was a LINE so we waited and waited. When we were finally there they gave me a teddy bear with its heart sticking out of its chest. They gave me a surgical hat, mask, and gloves. Then we started surgery. I put the teddy bear to sleep with a big mask and the Dr. sewed the teddy bear up. In no time the teddy bears heart was okay. By the end of the day I was very tired, but I had a lot of fun.

And the Winner is......

Rebekah's car with her first place trophy. Her car had a WAY COOL spacey theme!
Elizabeth made her car look like an Eagle. How COOL is that!
In our opinion, both girl's won because both were such great sports!

Pine Derby Race Day!

Elizabeth races against one of her very good friends!
Rebekah races against a fellow Awana member.
Elizabeth and Rachel sit with two friends and watch the races.
Rebekah poses with the other winners for the newspaper!
I WON!!!!!!

Dr. Appt. Update

Hello Everyone,
Well, it has certainly been a very trying couple of days. Rachel is still sick. When the Dr. examined her she found that her right ear was still very infected. Not only is it infected but the eardrum is bulging! Rachel ended up getting two more shots. One was the same stuff they gave her on Sat. which is Rosephin (sp?) and the other was an anti- inflammatory to help decrease the inflammation in the ear canal. The Dr. also switched her antibiotic to something that will not make her sick. She is also on prednisolone for 5 days. To top everything off her third tooth broke through the skin yesterday and the forth is about to do the same. Needless to say Rachel is a whimpering, whiny, crying, mess! My poor baby! All I can do is hold her and nurse her. She falls asleep on me but when I try to move her to her crib she pitches an enormous fit. My only consolation is knowing that this to shall pass. She has another appt on Friday to see how things are going.

Rebekah on the other hand got a clean bill of health. Yeah! She is suppose to see an allergist on Thursday in Gainsville, which is about an hour or so from here. However, in light of Rachel's pitifulness I am going to re-schedule it for next week. I just really don't want to haul a cranky baby all that way and have to deal with her.

Well, that is about it. I hope you enjoyed Elizabeth's account of her UGA experience. I plan on having Rebekah write her account tomorrow so be watching for it!;)

Monday, April 7, 2008

Elizabeth's Day at UGA

Hi everyone! My mom told me to tell you about my UGA experience so here it is. We got there and there was this big fenced in area where there were two horses which I got to pet. They were really cool. When the horses went away a bunch of dogs came in and did relay races for us(and I thought our dogs were fast!) Sadly we weren't able to see the whole thing because there was a long line waiting at the large animal hospital for a tour and I wanted to go. So we went before the line got longer. When we got to the front a man showed us a room where they keep the pigs and cows. Then, he showed us the recovery room. Next, he showed us a horse in a room getting ready for surgery! The horse was flat on his back and had an oxygen tube down his throat and everything. After that, he showed us a dog having surgery on his leg. It was SOOOO COOOOL! When the tour was over we went into a room where there was a lot of cool things. This lady showed us how to guess a horses age by looking at its teeth. There was also a fake horse heart and a lady showed us how it worked. Then we got to use microscopic surgery equipment to get a gummy bear from one plastic cup to the other. I was a pro!! We also got to use some ultrasound equipment to find strawberries, nuts, and a sock in jello. Next, we went to the front yard and got to see all kinds of animals like lamas, alpaca, cows, dogs, goats, and even a zebra and a camel! After we saw the animals Rebekah, mom, and Rachel went to do teddy bear surgery while I went to the anatomy room. They had a cows head cut in half so you could see the inside of its head. You could see it's brains and air tubes it was really neat. I also got to hold a dogs heart! All of it was somehow sterilized or mummified or something. I then went to see mom and Rebekah, they were still in line so I waited with them. After that we went home. I think after the trip I want to become a vet more than ever. I enjoyed talking to you all. Love,

UGA Visit and more sickness...

Hello Everyone! I have not actually written for a while but I hope you are enjoying the pictures. I will be posting more pictures as time allows me. Let me get you caught up on what has been happening here.

This past week was a great week of school. The girls are really working hard to finish the year on a great note. They are up early and usually done by 2pm at the latest. It is such a blessing to have such hard workers. On Friday we took a field trip to the University of Georgia. UGA is located in Athens GA which is an hour south of us. Every year they sponsor a Vet Day at the vet school. It is a way to not only educate children about animals but also to recruit future veterinarians. Since loosing our dog Butterfly, Elizabeth has expressed an interest in going to school to become a vet. This was the perfect opportunity for her to find out what it would take. Also, while Rebekah has not expressed the same interest in veterinary medicine, I thought she would enjoy the learning since she is such an animal lover. The day started out a bit wet and cold but by mid morning it had warmed up considerably. The Lord really answered our prayers on this front since we specifically asked that it not rain while we were there. We saw some really amazing things. However, I am not going to tell you about them. Instead, I am going to let the girls do that in their own posts in the next day or two.

Now for Rachel...
On Wednesday I noticed that she was coming down with the sniffles. I didn't think too much of it since that is common in GA at this time of year. The change in the weather can really play havoc on ones body. Anyway, on Friday she still seemed not quite up to par but not terribly sick either, so we kept our field trip plans. However, by Friday night I could tell she had really gone down hill. If I knew then what I know now, we would not have gone to UGA! At 8pm Friday night her temp was 103! I was shocked. I started giving her both Tylenol and Motrin to bring it down. Even with piggy-backing these two meds I could not get her fever down lower than 100.
Saturday morning I called a nurse friend of mine for advice. She was a pediatric nurse before she left medicine to stay home with her girls. Anyway, she told me the clinic here in town had Saturday hours ( I did not know this) and that I should have her checked out since she is so young. I knew she needed to be seen, I just really didn't want to take her to our ER. Quite frankly, I think they are useless. When I called the clinic they told me they could see her if I left right away. Long story short, she had a severe ear infection in her right ear. They gave her a shot so the meds would work through her system faster.It was amazing! By last night she was already feeling sooo much better. She still had a bit of fever this morning but I definitely think she is on the mend. I think the oral antibiotics they gave me are making her sick to her stomach. You are suppose to take it with food but she has basically refused all solid food for the past three days. I think part of that is b/c she is also getting her two top teeth in. I will be taking her to my regular pedi tomorrow along with Rebekah who has a check-up. Rebekah by the way is doing fabulous!
Well, that's basically it. I will update about the girls' Dr. appointments tomorrow. Love you all!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

International Dinner pics

Elizabeth worked hard to help create several authentic Laotian dishes for the International Dinner.
Elizabeth and her friend Hannah in front of their display. Hannah is wearing a traditional Laotian wedding dress, and Elizabeth is wearing a traditional Laotian reception dress.
Elizabeth and Hannah during their presentation. They were both VERY nervous!
This is a picture of all the students that participated in the International Dinner. They all did a really great job!

Rebekah's Birthday Party Pics!

Everyone had a great time breaking open the pinata!
Rebekah picked out a beautiful Tinkerbell cake. She LOVES Tink!
Rebekah had her hands full with all the presents her friends brought for her!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Having fun with big sis.
I LOVE Spaghetti!