Wednesday, February 6, 2008

More Sickness...

Hey all! Well, now the baby is sick. She woke up this morning and just didn't seem her usual chipper self. When I took her temp. I found out why. At 102.7 she was very pitiful. I tried getting her temp. down all day but didn't get it below 100 til this evening. Her pedi had me bring her in for a quick RSV and Flu swab b/c there is so much of it going around right now. I don't think that is what she has but, I guess it is better to be safe than sorry. At least that is what my mama always told me.:0) I had forgotten what it was like to have a sick little one. It is so different when they can't communicate with you and tell you where it hurts.
Elizabeth and Rebekah are also still battling sore throats and general yuckiness. The breathing treatments seem to be helping but, I think they just need a few more days of rest. They had to miss all their school activities today which was a real bummer for them. Tuesday is their fun day. They usually have piano, sewing class and PE.
Well, not much else to report today so I'll sign off. Please pray for quick healing for all the girls and that Mike and I don't get sick.
In Him,

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