Tuesday, February 12, 2008

9 Month Check-up

Rachel had her 9 month check-up today. She has healed up well from the flu. I am so thankful. The only thing she still seems to be struggling with now is a stuffy nose. Her weight was down a bit from her last visit. This could be from being sick, but the Dr. wants to see her back next Monday for a weight check just to make sure we are going in the right direction. Also, I have noticed a decrease in the amount of wet diapers she is having. Again, the Drs. not too concerned yet , but we will be keeping an eye on things to make sure she is getting what she needs. She doesn't seem hungry so I am not really sure what is going on. I bought some pedialyte pops to give her in case she is just a bit dehydrated from being sick.
Elizabeth is preparing for DPA (district project achievement) for 4-H which is on Saturday. This is a big deal as she has to go before the judges and present her project. She already won a blue ribbon for her project at the local level. She made a beautiful dress that looks like it could have been worn in Lord of the Rings by an Elven princess. It is AMAZING! She is VERY nervous. Please pray that she will not make herself sick. She has had a bellyache most of the day. It could be some of her sickness from last week holding on, but I really don't think it is. I really think it is just nerves. She will be practicing tomorrow at their club meeting.
Rebekah is doing great. Nothing new to really report with her. She is looking forward to tomorrow as it is her favorite day of the school week. Well, I really must go to bed. We have to be up early and it will be a LONG day.

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