Saturday, February 9, 2008

Better Day!

Well, today was a much better day for everyone. Elizabeth and Rebekah are feeling much better. The only thing that is bothering them now is a cough that seems to want to linger. The baby is also feeling better. When she woke up her fever had broken. Yeah! She was so cute this morning laughing and cooing. I am so thankful that they are better. I only pray that this flu is not lying dormant in either Mike or myself. It would totally stink if we were to get sick now that the girls are well. It could really become a vicious cycle.

Since everyone was feeling better I called my mom up and invited her to come to Wal-mart with us. I had to go anyway and I was giving the girls the day off from school so we had no plans. I thought it would be the perfect time to take her on an outing. I know she has been dying to get out of the house. We had a wonderful time. While I didn't expect anything, mom of course wanted to get everyone something. She is very generous that way. Rebekah got her ear pierced again. The last time one of her holes closed up. She picked out the cutest pair of earrings. Very girly! Elizabeth and Rebekah both picked out cute hoody shirts, and I picked out a pretty white sweater for the baby for Spring. Mom bought me a pair of Jeans that I desperately needed and two cute summer tops. I was only going to get the Jeans but I get the feeling that my mom thinks my clothes are terribly old and out dated.:0) She also spoiled herself a little and bought a few things for herself. After shopping we ate a late lunch at Subway and had a wonderful time eating, chatting and laughing.

While we were at Wal-mart the coolest thing happened to me. We were in the baby section getting diapers and I was wearing Rachel in the sling. I had just nursed her and she was happily playing with my face and looking around. A young mother with a 1 month old infant asked where I had gotten the sling. I told her and she seemed very interested. She asked if you could nurse in the sling while out in public and I of course told her you could. Apparently she was at that moment looking at formula so she could feed her baby when she was out in public! :-0 Well, I showed her how easy it was to nurse in public with or without a sling and talked to her at length about NIP (nursing in public). I showed her how to dress for NIP and really encouraged her to give it a try instead of formula. She seemed so relieved to see how easy it was. I am so thankful that the Lord put her in my path. I hate to see young mother's turning to formula when it is so unnecessary. They do it not b/c they want to but b/c our society has bullied them into thinking it is gross or wrong to bf at all, let alone in public. I told her it is not so much her right to bf but her babies right to eat. If people don't like it oh-well. I told her to tell them to mind their own business! The American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization back her up and so does the law! Yeah bfing moms! Can you tell I am a little passionate about this subject. :-) I could go on and on but I won't. Anyway, this was not the first time this has happened to me and it just made my day. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

In Him,


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