Friday, February 29, 2008

New Chapter for the Murray's

Hello all! I know it has been a while since I last blogged. Sorry about that. It is hard sometimes to think of things to say when life is not very exciting. However tonight I do have some new news.

Mike has been unofficially asked to become the lead tech for the whole plant at work. They will basically be creating this position for him. This is HUGE for us. His normal schedule is to work four days and then be off for four days. With this new position he will be working Mon-Fri from 8am-5pm. To understand how big this is for us you have to know that out of 13 years of marriage, Mike has worked some form of night shift for the last 10 years. This will be a huge lifestyle change for us. I think everyone has mixed feelings about this change, however, we think the pros out weigh the cons. We are really trusting in the Lord to direct this whole thing. We have been praying and hoping for some change for a while but didn't know in what form it would come. I really want Mike to #1-like what he is doing and #2- not have to work so hard physically. Some days his hands hurt so bad after a night of work that he can't fully bend his fingers. Plus, his back is always hurting him to some degree. My hope is that he will be able to use his mind more and his body less, although there will be some physicality to the job. So, please pray that the Lord would work all the details out for His glory and that we would not inject ourselves into things but let them happen naturally as He sees fit.

Rebekah is finally having her 9th birthday party on Sat. She is VERY excited. We have an overabundance of party supplies. While I was out shopping for party supplies yesterday my mom was in Anderson, SC for an appointment and also went shopping for party supplies. Needless to say, she is going to have a GREAT party! She has chosen Tinker Bell as her theme. We will have a pinata, play games and watch the new Barbie movie Mariposa. I will write all about it after the party.

Elizabeth is going to be studying the country of Laos for our home school International Dinner. She has to meet up with her friend Hannah tomorrow and talk about what they are going to do. They will also be meeting a couple ladies from that country to talk to them about life there. They will have to make a couple native dishes and do a report. I think this is a great cross-cultural experience for her.

I am starting to think about Rachel's 1st birthday and what I want to do for it. I don't really see the need to do a BIG bash but I want to recognize the day in some way. Maybe invite a few of our friends that have little ones over for cake. I think I would like to get her an activity table and one of those walking things that she can push. They can be pricey so we will see. If not both, then maybe one or the other.
Well, that is it for now. I will write again after the party.
Sending my love to you all,

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Normal Life

Well, I really don't have a lot to say, but I felt I should say something for those that check in regularly. We have had a pretty normal week since getting over all the sickness and going to DPA. Elizabeth and Rebekah had a really great day of school today. They worked really hard and got done by 2:30. I love days like this. Rachel is just as cute as ever. She has really gotten the crawling thing down and is now using things to hoist herself up to a standing position. It won't be long and she will start cruising and walking. She loves to babble and peek-a-boo is her favorite game. She also LOVES to tear paper!
We are going to finally have Rebekah's b-day party on March 1st. We decided to do it before we install the new carpet, that way I won't feel bad if the kids eat in the living room and get cake everywhere. She is very excited. After that we will have to start planning Miss Rachel's big 1st b-day. I can't believe she will be 1 in 2 1/2 months. I was talking to Mike tonight about how big she is getting. I told him the next time we get to enjoy a tiny little one will probably be when we become grandparents since we don't plan to have anymore. What a thought!
The girls are looking forward to the weekend. They have a b-day party to go to on Saturday. I will need a little help from them around the house, but I think we are all looking forward to a fairly uneventful weekend of relaxation. It has been a while since we have had one of those. Unless something major happens I probably won't update again until early next week. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Rachel's weight check

Rachel had her weight check today. If you remember she had lost about 6 oz. when she was sick. I am happy to report that she has gained all 6 oz back. Her Dr. said that she looks great. She weighs 15# 6 oz and was 26 5.8 in long. She is small but following a steady curve on the charts. Her Dr. also gave the go ahead to introduce dairy into her diet. She had egg for the first time today and really seemed to enjoy it. I bought some yogurt for her to try in a few days. I am looking forward to expanding her diet.
Rebekah and Elizabeth are the same. They are looking forward to tomorrow (Tuesday) as usual. They are also looking forward to their friend Hannah's b-day party on Sat.
Mike and I are doing good, just busy. Mike is going to have to get up on the roof tomorrow and find out why there is a leak where out fan is above our stove. We both suspect that he will have to retar it. We lent out our ladder so we have to wait for it's return to fix things.
That's about it. Have a great day everyone.
In Him,

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Elizabeth came in first place and received a blue ribbon at DPA! What a day. We were up at 6am and on the road by 7:15. We got to Rock Eagle about 9:30 and found out Elizabeth didn't have her presentation until 1pm. We put her project away and went to watch one of her friends, Jarin present. He was playing the piano. He did very well and ended up getting a third place ribbon. After that we had just enough time to eat lunch and get Elizabth ready for her presentation. Let me just say that ...SHE WAS SOOOO GOOD! Elizabeth's friend Jon also received a ribbon for 2nd place in the computers category, and Ally her fellow home school buddy received a 1st place ribbon for food preparation. All in all it was a great day for all of her friends as well as herself.

Rebekah had a great time at the DeWitt's house. I really think she is happy to be home though. She has been very clingy tonight. It sure is nice being missed.:0)Today they went bike riding down at The Gorge. They have bike trails down there and she had a wonderful time. She said tonight that she is a little sore so we will see how she feels in the morning.

Rachel was a trooper all day long. She is such a good baby.

Well, I would love to write more but I am honestly about ready to fall asleep right her at the keyboard so I am going to go to bed. Goodnight everyone!

In Him,

I thought you might like to see a picture of Elizabeth in her dress for DPA.

Great Day!

Today we had a busy day. The girls did a half day of school and then helped clean the house. Elizabeth was invited to go to Traveler's Rest this evening with some friends. I let her go b/c I thought it would be a great distraction for her. Traveler's Rest is an old historic house that was also an inn back in the 1800's and early 1900's. It was a stop on the pony express and also the last stage coach stop on the way to Atlanta. There is a re-enactment society that puts together presentations there. One of her friends let her borrow a period costume and she got to play act like she was a traveler to the crowds. She had so much fun. I will try and upload a picture of her in costume soon.
Rebekah is also having an exciting night. She is staying the night with her friends the DeWitt's. If you remember, Megan DeWitt was her friend who just had surgery. She is going to spend the day with them while we are at DPA. I thought it would be much more fun for her.
Mike is feeling MUCH better today. As a matter-of-fact he was feeling so much better that we decided to go out for our Valentine's dinner tonight instead of Wed. We went to Applebee's and really enjoyed ourselves.
Elizabeth had a hard time getting to sleep tonight. She was having a hard time settling herself down. I think her nerves are really starting to kick in. Please pray for a calm spirit for her tomorrow. I have almost everything ready to go for tomorrow. I just have a few things I need to pack for the baby. I know I am over packing but I feel it is better to have too much stuff then get all the way down there and need something I didn't bring. KWIM? I will put everything by the door so we can just load up in the morning and be off. We have to be at the Public Library for bus loading by 6:45 am. We will leave at 7am sharp. We are taking two other mama's with us so we will pick them up there as well. We should get to Rock Eagle (the 4-H camp grounds) at about 9am, unload, and find out where Elizabeth's presentation will be. Awards will be at 4pm and we should be ready to leave by 5pm. I will post tomorrow about our day and how things went. Now I am off to finalize everything and then to bed.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Sick Daddy :(

Well, Mike finally got it. I think he has the same thing the girls had last week. I feel so bad for him. I wish he could stay home and rest but with him being our only source of income he really can't. I suspect that even if he weren't that he wouldn't take off work. He is just that way. Please pray for a speedy recovery. He has to drive up to DPA on Sat. and it would be a shame if he had to go while being sick.

I think Elizabeth is feeling a little better about DPA. She had her monthly 4-H meeting yesterday and they talked a lot about what to expect. I think a lot of her fear was of the unknown. She is still nervous, but she is handling it much better. It also helped that her Uncle Zakk called her and encouraged her. She told me that it made her feel so good to know that he was behind her lifting her up. Thank you Zakk for helping ease her fears. I love you for it!

I went shopping for Valentine's tonight while the girls were at AWANA. For those that don't know AWANA is a church club that meets once a week. The girls work through books memorizing scripture. They receive play money for each section they complete and then twice a year they have store night where they can buy things. When they complete a book they get a lovely ribbon and much praise. It is a great time of fellowship for them since many of their friends also attend.

The girls are really looking forward to tomorrow. They love Valentine's day.They tried to talk me into taking the day off from school, but with all the days we had to take off for sickness last week we really can't afford to. I would really like to have a summer break and unless we stay on task that won't happen. For Valentine's day I bought all three of the girls a pair of PJ"s. Elizabeth's are red stripped sleep pants and a red sleep shirt, Rebekah's pants have a pink cheetah print and a cute pink shirt with a cat on it, and I bought the baby a two pack of winter sleepers (pink and purple). I also bought the older girls each a box of chocolates and some Warhead candies. They LOVE those. I also bought Rachel a tub toy and some little cookies to munch on. I think they will be very excited. As for Mike, I bought him a package of chocolate espresso beans. He loves those. We decided not to do too much for each other and instead go out to eat when he is feeling better. We both love to eat out and felt we would much rather spend our Valentine budget on that than individual gifts. Hopefully we can go next Wed. while the girls are at AWANA.

Well, that's about it. I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day with their sweeties!

In Him,


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

9 Month Check-up

Rachel had her 9 month check-up today. She has healed up well from the flu. I am so thankful. The only thing she still seems to be struggling with now is a stuffy nose. Her weight was down a bit from her last visit. This could be from being sick, but the Dr. wants to see her back next Monday for a weight check just to make sure we are going in the right direction. Also, I have noticed a decrease in the amount of wet diapers she is having. Again, the Drs. not too concerned yet , but we will be keeping an eye on things to make sure she is getting what she needs. She doesn't seem hungry so I am not really sure what is going on. I bought some pedialyte pops to give her in case she is just a bit dehydrated from being sick.
Elizabeth is preparing for DPA (district project achievement) for 4-H which is on Saturday. This is a big deal as she has to go before the judges and present her project. She already won a blue ribbon for her project at the local level. She made a beautiful dress that looks like it could have been worn in Lord of the Rings by an Elven princess. It is AMAZING! She is VERY nervous. Please pray that she will not make herself sick. She has had a bellyache most of the day. It could be some of her sickness from last week holding on, but I really don't think it is. I really think it is just nerves. She will be practicing tomorrow at their club meeting.
Rebekah is doing great. Nothing new to really report with her. She is looking forward to tomorrow as it is her favorite day of the school week. Well, I really must go to bed. We have to be up early and it will be a LONG day.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Better Day!

Well, today was a much better day for everyone. Elizabeth and Rebekah are feeling much better. The only thing that is bothering them now is a cough that seems to want to linger. The baby is also feeling better. When she woke up her fever had broken. Yeah! She was so cute this morning laughing and cooing. I am so thankful that they are better. I only pray that this flu is not lying dormant in either Mike or myself. It would totally stink if we were to get sick now that the girls are well. It could really become a vicious cycle.

Since everyone was feeling better I called my mom up and invited her to come to Wal-mart with us. I had to go anyway and I was giving the girls the day off from school so we had no plans. I thought it would be the perfect time to take her on an outing. I know she has been dying to get out of the house. We had a wonderful time. While I didn't expect anything, mom of course wanted to get everyone something. She is very generous that way. Rebekah got her ear pierced again. The last time one of her holes closed up. She picked out the cutest pair of earrings. Very girly! Elizabeth and Rebekah both picked out cute hoody shirts, and I picked out a pretty white sweater for the baby for Spring. Mom bought me a pair of Jeans that I desperately needed and two cute summer tops. I was only going to get the Jeans but I get the feeling that my mom thinks my clothes are terribly old and out dated.:0) She also spoiled herself a little and bought a few things for herself. After shopping we ate a late lunch at Subway and had a wonderful time eating, chatting and laughing.

While we were at Wal-mart the coolest thing happened to me. We were in the baby section getting diapers and I was wearing Rachel in the sling. I had just nursed her and she was happily playing with my face and looking around. A young mother with a 1 month old infant asked where I had gotten the sling. I told her and she seemed very interested. She asked if you could nurse in the sling while out in public and I of course told her you could. Apparently she was at that moment looking at formula so she could feed her baby when she was out in public! :-0 Well, I showed her how easy it was to nurse in public with or without a sling and talked to her at length about NIP (nursing in public). I showed her how to dress for NIP and really encouraged her to give it a try instead of formula. She seemed so relieved to see how easy it was. I am so thankful that the Lord put her in my path. I hate to see young mother's turning to formula when it is so unnecessary. They do it not b/c they want to but b/c our society has bullied them into thinking it is gross or wrong to bf at all, let alone in public. I told her it is not so much her right to bf but her babies right to eat. If people don't like it oh-well. I told her to tell them to mind their own business! The American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization back her up and so does the law! Yeah bfing moms! Can you tell I am a little passionate about this subject. :-) I could go on and on but I won't. Anyway, this was not the first time this has happened to me and it just made my day. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

In Him,


Friday, February 8, 2008

Keep doing what we are doing...

That is what my pedi said. Elizabeth just finished her meds today. She will continue to get cough meds and breathing treatments until this ugly cough of hers goes away. Rebekah has been put on the same meds Elizabeth just finished. The baby is still fevered but holding her own. My pedi said it is good that I am still breastfeeding Rachel. She said that the immunities she receives from me will help her fight this bug. I guess she has been putting a lot of kids in the hospital with this flu. She doesn't see that happening here b/c of the bfing. Yeah! It is so nice to get validation in this area. So many people look down on bfing after 6mo. People don't understand that it is sooo much healthier for them. Besides she is still just a baby for goodness sake!
Last night Rachel had me up ALL night. I had just finished paying bills when she started crying. I got her up to nurse her back to sleep but she had other ideas. Instead she decided it was play time. Never mind that it was 3 am! Anyway, I finally got her to sleep about 6 am but only in the recliner. At 7:30 Mike woke me up and I put her in bed. I got another hour and a half before Elizabeth brought her in to me and I nursed her back to sleep for another hour. In all I probably got 3-4 hours of sleep. Bless Elizabeth and Rebekah for being such good girls today. After our Dr. visit they let me take a nap with the baby and I got 3 glorious hours of uninterrupted sleep. Hopefully tonight will be better.
Well the house is quiet and I am exhausted so goodnight everyone!
In Him,

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Flu!

Ugh! Rachel was diagnosed with the flu today. I guess I was wrong about the tests yesterday. I am so thankful to have a pedi. that is thorough. In order to keep her fever down I am having to alternate Tylenol and Motrin. With her fever controlled by the drugs we saw little signs of spunk in her today, unlike yesterday. She also ate a little fruit tonight on top of nursing. I am so thankful that I am still nursing her. It is so nice to know I can provide this kind of nourishment for her as well as the added benefit of cuddle time. All of the girls are going to see the Dr. tomorrow, so we will know how to proceed with all of this illness. I am afraid there is not much else we can do other than what we are doing now but we will see.
Elizabeth and Rebekah finally felt good enough to finish their Valentine's for the Sonlight swap. They look so cute. We will put them in the mail tomorrow. The girls are anxiously waiting for Valentine's to start coming to them. We will put them all in a basket and have a little Valentine Party on the 14th. We will get some cookies and punch and open all the Valentine's they receive and then chart on a map where they all came from.
Well that's all til tomorrow.
In Him,

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

More Sickness...

Hey all! Well, now the baby is sick. She woke up this morning and just didn't seem her usual chipper self. When I took her temp. I found out why. At 102.7 she was very pitiful. I tried getting her temp. down all day but didn't get it below 100 til this evening. Her pedi had me bring her in for a quick RSV and Flu swab b/c there is so much of it going around right now. I don't think that is what she has but, I guess it is better to be safe than sorry. At least that is what my mama always told me.:0) I had forgotten what it was like to have a sick little one. It is so different when they can't communicate with you and tell you where it hurts.
Elizabeth and Rebekah are also still battling sore throats and general yuckiness. The breathing treatments seem to be helping but, I think they just need a few more days of rest. They had to miss all their school activities today which was a real bummer for them. Tuesday is their fun day. They usually have piano, sewing class and PE.
Well, not much else to report today so I'll sign off. Please pray for quick healing for all the girls and that Mike and I don't get sick.
In Him,

Monday, February 4, 2008

Rachel Grace playing the piano.
Elizabeth and Rebekah at my brother's wedding this past August.

I figured out how to add pics! These are the most recent ones of the girls I have uploaded to my computer. I will add newer ones once Mike shows me how to download them from our camera.

Love to you all,


Well, Elizabeth woke up this morning with a fever of 102.6. After checking her for strep it was determined that she has Bronchitis. Rebekah is also displaying similar symptoms but not as severe. Anyway, they are both on meds. Needless to say we did not get our Valentine's done today. Hopefully tomorrow. Please pray for quick recoveries for both of them and also, that none of the rest of us gets it.

Rachel had her WIC appt. today. She now weighs a whopping 15lbs. 6oz. At almost 9 months old she is a little bit of a thing but that's ok. Someone has to be on the small side of the scale. Right? She probably just takes after her daddy which is not a bad thing as far as I am concerned.

Once I have figured out this whole blog thing I will add some pictures. I can't even get my spell check to work!;0) Take care and God bless.

In Him,


I finally did it!

Well, I have been saying I was going to create a blog for a while, and now I have! I think this will be an easy way for me to keep family and friends updated on all the Murray happenings. Let's see, where do I start...ok I got it.

A few weeks ago our hot water tank blew at 4am! How's that for exciting. The adjuster came Fri. the 1st and it looks like we are getting new carpet in the baby's room, the living room, our hallway, and entry way. Whoo-hoo! The carpet in our house wasn't bad but it was at least 10 years old and the baby's room was at least 15-20 yo. It will be nice, but I can't wait til it is all done.

Now the kids....

Elizabeth is sick today with a bug that has been going around. Please pray for a quick recovery. Tomorrow we will be finishing our Valentine's for our Valentine swap we do each year. She and Rebekah will be exchanging Valentine's with kids all over the world. It is something that a group of homeschooling moms from the Sonlight curriculum we use do every year. It is so fun to see the places they come from and they are all homemade. I pray she will feel well enough to help or she will be very disappointed.

Last night Rebekah's friend Megan had to have an emergency appendectomy. Please pray she heals quickly. Rebekah decided she wanted to spend some of her b-day money on a gift for her friend. It just warmed my heart that she was thinking of someone before herself. She bought Megan some crayons, a sketch pad, coloring book, as well as, a flower and balloon. What a sweet girl we have!

Our little Rachel is growing up! She conquered yet another skill yesterday. She figured out how to go from a lying down position to a sitting position. YEAH!!!! Even though she is our 3rd, it still amazes me how you can love someone so completely. Another not so nice thing she started yesterday was biting me! I was quietly nursing her when all of a sudden she chomped down HARD. I just about hit the roof. Hopefully this will be a quick phase.

Well, this has gotten long and I an tired so I will sign off for now. I will be back soon with more news. Love to all.

In Him,
