Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Physical Therapy Visit

Hello Everyone! I thought I would let you all know how Elizabeth's appt. with PT went. We are very fortunate to know Elizabeth's physical therapist personally. Mrs. Deb, as the girls call her, is a member of our church and, I feel very confident that Elizabeth is getting the very best of care.

First, Deb interviewed Elizabeth about her knee. Once that was done she placed little electrodes on her skin along with anti-inflammatory medicine. The electrodes helped push the medicine down into the joint where it is inflamed. She also iced it for a good long while. After that, Deb showed Elizabeth several exercises that she wants her to do over the course of this month to help strengthen the muscles in her legs. We will go back to see her on Thursday where she will give her some more exercises and do the electrodes and medicine again.

While we were there she noticed that Elizabeth is standing and walking with her left ankle rolled in. She said that this can actually cause pain in the opposite knee (it is Elizabeth's right knee that is hurt). She does not feel this is what is causing her pain but, she said that it can and will cause her joint trouble as she gets older. She has suggested that we fit Elizabeth with an insert for her shoe so she walks, runs, stands,etc properly. However, our primary concern is to get rid of the pain she is experiencing now. I will talk to the orthopedist about this new development when we go back on the 25th.

In other news, Elizabeth is very excited to be going back to the vet's office tomorrow. She will wear her brace and call me if she needs to be picked up early. I also may take Rebekah to the Dr. tomorrow to have her eye looked at. I think she may be developing a sty.

I'll let you know how things go with everything in the next few days.
In Christ,

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