Monday, April 7, 2008

UGA Visit and more sickness...

Hello Everyone! I have not actually written for a while but I hope you are enjoying the pictures. I will be posting more pictures as time allows me. Let me get you caught up on what has been happening here.

This past week was a great week of school. The girls are really working hard to finish the year on a great note. They are up early and usually done by 2pm at the latest. It is such a blessing to have such hard workers. On Friday we took a field trip to the University of Georgia. UGA is located in Athens GA which is an hour south of us. Every year they sponsor a Vet Day at the vet school. It is a way to not only educate children about animals but also to recruit future veterinarians. Since loosing our dog Butterfly, Elizabeth has expressed an interest in going to school to become a vet. This was the perfect opportunity for her to find out what it would take. Also, while Rebekah has not expressed the same interest in veterinary medicine, I thought she would enjoy the learning since she is such an animal lover. The day started out a bit wet and cold but by mid morning it had warmed up considerably. The Lord really answered our prayers on this front since we specifically asked that it not rain while we were there. We saw some really amazing things. However, I am not going to tell you about them. Instead, I am going to let the girls do that in their own posts in the next day or two.

Now for Rachel...
On Wednesday I noticed that she was coming down with the sniffles. I didn't think too much of it since that is common in GA at this time of year. The change in the weather can really play havoc on ones body. Anyway, on Friday she still seemed not quite up to par but not terribly sick either, so we kept our field trip plans. However, by Friday night I could tell she had really gone down hill. If I knew then what I know now, we would not have gone to UGA! At 8pm Friday night her temp was 103! I was shocked. I started giving her both Tylenol and Motrin to bring it down. Even with piggy-backing these two meds I could not get her fever down lower than 100.
Saturday morning I called a nurse friend of mine for advice. She was a pediatric nurse before she left medicine to stay home with her girls. Anyway, she told me the clinic here in town had Saturday hours ( I did not know this) and that I should have her checked out since she is so young. I knew she needed to be seen, I just really didn't want to take her to our ER. Quite frankly, I think they are useless. When I called the clinic they told me they could see her if I left right away. Long story short, she had a severe ear infection in her right ear. They gave her a shot so the meds would work through her system faster.It was amazing! By last night she was already feeling sooo much better. She still had a bit of fever this morning but I definitely think she is on the mend. I think the oral antibiotics they gave me are making her sick to her stomach. You are suppose to take it with food but she has basically refused all solid food for the past three days. I think part of that is b/c she is also getting her two top teeth in. I will be taking her to my regular pedi tomorrow along with Rebekah who has a check-up. Rebekah by the way is doing fabulous!
Well, that's basically it. I will update about the girls' Dr. appointments tomorrow. Love you all!

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